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For more details see the good morning thread.
He’s ok but he hasn’t caught any of the nurses yet.

I’m scheduled to attend the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield tomorrow at 12:00 midday for a heart procedure. It’s all been rather ...

No, the title isn’t wrong - my 2002 hernia repair needs a repair, but (fortunately?) only one side.
I was referred to a consultant over ...

Hi Forum
I’ve logged in behalf of Nom as he’s asked me to update you all on his health.
He’s currently in hospital and has been for the...

Now I await my Haemotology appointment. Very heavy rain here.

Had a flu jab this morning at 9am, is it earlier than usual this year? Surgery have done it different too, all the doctors and nurses wer...

I have just received an email and news of Eileen…
Christopher had to take Eileen to the hospital emergency room yesterday afternoon as s...

I’m very pleased and relieved to let you know that Ann’s surgery was successful and she is now sedated and in recovery.
Following a fina...

Got some bad news on Friday. I have got to have a hysterectomy on the 6th September. Bit of a shock and I am terrified can’t believe thi...
HOT IN Members Health Updates THIS WEEK!
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For more details see the good morning thread.
He’s ok but he hasn’t caught any of the nurses yet.
HOT IN Members Health Updates Last 3 Years!
HOT IN Members Health Updates Over 3 Years!

Now I await my Haemotology appointment. Very heavy rain here.

I’m scheduled to attend the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield tomorrow at 12:00 midday for a heart procedure. It’s all been rather ...

I’m very pleased and relieved to let you know that Ann’s surgery was successful and she is now sedated and in recovery.
Following a fina...

Had a flu jab this morning at 9am, is it earlier than usual this year? Surgery have done it different too, all the doctors and nurses wer...

I have just received an email and news of Eileen…
Christopher had to take Eileen to the hospital emergency room yesterday afternoon as s...

Got some bad news on Friday. I have got to have a hysterectomy on the 6th September. Bit of a shock and I am terrified can’t believe thi...

Hi Forum
I’ve logged in behalf of Nom as he’s asked me to update you all on his health.
He’s currently in hospital and has been for the...

No, the title isn’t wrong - my 2002 hernia repair needs a repair, but (fortunately?) only one side.
I was referred to a consultant over ...
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