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As Caveman suggested we had a photo section in the Scottish Threads I decided to start one off. Hopefully it will actually land in the Cl...

Hi Dorothy it was nice and sunny here today. I was up seeing Jean today in hospital, they put a trachiotimy spelling in today to get her ...

Welcome to the Over 50s Club West Wales
Everyone from WestWales is welcome to pop in and say hello to start mingling and making friends...
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Hi Dorothy it was nice and sunny here today. I was up seeing Jean today in hospital, they put a trachiotimy spelling in today to get her ...

Welcome to the Over 50s Club West Wales
Everyone from WestWales is welcome to pop in and say hello to start mingling and making friends...

As Caveman suggested we had a photo section in the Scottish Threads I decided to start one off. Hopefully it will actually land in the Cl...
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