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Hottest Threads This:
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Release of technology secretary’s use of ChatGPT.
Does Tony Blair regret this?

I would like to change the details of my car insurance, and so far it has proved impossible!
I am currently with Churchill, and they are...

Hello Everybody, I am doing my 1st Mammogram today; and I’m nervous
I hope that all will go well; please send prayers & positive vi...

Pi is 3.14 (rounded off) and today is 3/14/2025, which makes it Pi Day! It’s a good excuse to eat pie!
I’m going to get my wife to pick ...

Good Morning frolicsome, forum, followers on this fiery, Friday, forenoon. Temps in the mid to high 30s until a cooler southerly change o...

Good morning to everybody on this forum.
Blue skies this morning from horizon to horizon, an Autumn heatwave is predicted for the next f...

Is anyone else sick of swiping on dating apps ?

Good morning to all you happy folks. It is going to be another a warmish day here, about 26° but there remains a slight chance of showers...

Hello … new to this … anyone on line? Louise
Hottest This Week 

Good morning everybody. Fairly cool today, only 23° at the moment but should warm up later in the week when it is supposed to warm up tow...

This is quite an astonishing news story today. If anyone needs to understand our impact on the environment and how that will ultimately ...

Good morning all you sanguine Sunday speakers out there (a bit of desperate alliteration there)
Not much for me to report this morning. ...

So what’s all this about then?
Should we all be glad that we didn’t join the Euro, or will it come to a bank near you?
One more nail ...

Is anyone else sick of swiping on dating apps ?

Hello … new to this … anyone on line? Louise

Good morning all, it’s the weekend!
Didn’t go for my walk this morning as I hurt my back yesterday leaning over to varnish so saved my e...

Good morning to everybody on this forum.
Blue skies this morning from horizon to horizon, an Autumn heatwave is predicted for the next f...

Good morning all you friendly folks it’s a bit over cast here but warm (27°), no sign of the rain promised by exTC Alfred, no rain at all...

Sad but beautiful, a short clip i made using Wonder share Filmora software.
watch here

Hello! I am a new joiner! My name is Suzanne, aged 56, married with 2 gorgeous English Cream Golden Retrievers.
I am a Reiki Master, y...

Greetings! I’m just looking for a place to hang out occasionally… usually when I’m drinking my morning coffee.

Good morning to all you happy folks. It is going to be another a warmish day here, about 26° but there remains a slight chance of showers...

this is my solution to walking and keeping a camera steady

Good Morning frolicsome, forum, followers on this fiery, Friday, forenoon. Temps in the mid to high 30s until a cooler southerly change o...
Hottest This Month 

Good morning all, my name is Pimmy from Thailand. I’m new here. Happy valentine’s day to you all. Bangkok is very hot and full of air p...

Good morning all. A bit late, it is afternoon already.
Drove to Adaminaby this morning, its about 90km away on the banks of Lake Eucombe...

Hi everyone, my name is Anthony. I am a new member to this social group and I would like to explore more.

I had a 60 km ride in one after my car crash.
Plus I had a ride in one when I had an Epileptic Seizure.
That one cost me $863.
I now h...

I may have shared this personal anecdote before, so apologies if this is a duplication. I share it a lot because I am still so bowled ove...

Continuing the discussion from The Four Word Phrase (Part 1) - #10000 by EZ_Rider.
Previous discussions:
The Four Word Phrase (Part 1)

Good morning all on this warm, sunny day of rest. Temperature in the mid 20s with a nice breeze.
Just the job for drying clothes. Had my...

This couple are fairly newly arrived from the UK and they are quite funny. They live in Queensland but what they say is true in NSW too. ...

A good day to connect with good friends. If you were to advise your younger self, what would be the best advice?

Good morning all, quite a warm day for the first day of Autumn about 30° at the moment.
Contrary to previous posts this is not a busy da...

Good morning all on a rather warm humid but overcast day.
Had a very frustrating morning, went to get my car out to go to an appointment...

hello here, sorry for intruding, I’m new here and I don’t know how to use this site yet

Bedside candleholders: stylish or a fire hazard?
What do you think?

Good morning on this cooler Monday when it will hopefully rain soon. We are starting to get the very edge of the weather system created b...

…so i thought id pop by and see what its all about. Im Morvenna from West Wales. Im 57 years young, and recently qualified as a fitness...

I don’t know much about mobile phones, what the spec. means etc. But I know they can be damned useful, even if you never make a phone cal...

Good morning to you all on another warm, sunny day. It won’t last, Cyclone Alfred is approaching the SE Queensland coast, apparently it ...

Do you feel alone in your “old age”? What would be better? Would you like just a friend or a romantic partner? Would you just like a plut...

Are the happenings around the world genuine? Or that’s what we are made to believe

Good morning one and all, another warm, humid day.
This morning I had a seniors’ meeting so have been busy writing minutes. It belted do...
Hottest This Year 

Swap the letters around to solve the words.
Green…correct place
Brown…in the word
Grey…find the letters place

Post any word that contains the letters “er” (in the same order please) anywhere in the word.
Previous threads:
A-W of words containin...

I thought the ongoing comments on the US elections thread were increasingly at odds with the title and theme of that thread. Trump has no...

Continuing the discussion from Goodnight! (Part 1) :

You’ll Never Walk Alone - Gerry and the Pacemakers


9th September 1967 living now in Beddington Surrey…first house bought for £4,400…Opposite The River Wandle…terraced three bedrooms one b...

Good photography! Perfectly captured the moment!
One more (warning, contains ...

this is the daily phrase quiz we can share our results
Phrazle 568: 4/6

Songs with Night or Day in the Title…
start off with…
The Longest Night · Bee Gees


Curious what you all think - though I’m pretty sure a lot of people across the country won’t be!!

A petition has been called to oust the present government due to their misleading manifesto at the last general election. Mrs Fox and me ...

Hospital Tomorrow. Got to have a…
Rigid cystoscopy.
Transurethral resection of bladder tumour.
Left ureteric stenting (stent from kidn...

Hello everyone!
Have decided after a fairly long spell to join this forum after the demise of Buzz50. I’m very easy to get along with an...

For more details see the good morning thread.
He’s ok but he hasn’t caught any of the nurses yet.

As I rouse from dreaming about intimacy, I groan as I roll onto my side and look at the unused pillow beside me.
My hormones telling me ...

In this game you guess a word
You are told if it comes before or after the solution.
Keep guessing until you find the solution

How Could You Believe Me When I Said I Love You When You Know I’ve Been A Liar All My Life?
Bing Crosby

Glen Campbell - Try A Little Kindness

What Are your feeling on this !!
Do you think it it should be our choice in life
We don’t get a say in being born , or dying ……!

The case is the first time a former U.S. President has faced a criminal trial. Trump is the presumptive Republican presidential candidate...



All 20 dingbats are sea and travel related answers how many can you solve ?
Hottest Last Three Years 

Can’t see this game here so…
Create a Four Word phrase using the last letters of the words in the previous phrase.
I’ll start you off… ...

Make a two-word phrase using one of the words from the previous poster, and replacing the other word. No compound words such as “baseball...

Please join in the fun and post your daily scores!
You’ll earn yourself a line of pretty flowers every time!

I voted to remain but accept the vote didn’t go my way. I genuinely would like to know what benefits has the UK gained from leaving the E...

Enjoyed my day. Woke up to glorious sunshine. Went to a car boot sale and it was heaving with people and some interesting stuff. Had sand...

Continuing the discussion from Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1) - #10013 by May (When threads get 10,000 replies the system automatic...

As the heading indicates, this thread is for words in alphabetical order omitting the letter A.
B = Betterment
follow on with C.

Take the last letter of the previous song title and post a new one.
Name the artist if you can but not essential.
First song

It seems almost daily now there’s some crazy headline about the US election. Instead of creating a different thread for every crazy thin...

Share your interesting news/facts here
#naval interesting fact
The passenger steamer SS Warrimoo was quietly knifing its way through th...

Morning/Afternoon/Evening all, i’ve noticed a few of you like playing Wordle, so wondered whether you have tried Twordsy (Twordsy Daily -...

Does anyone else play the Connections Word Game from the New York Times online games set?
It’s a bit like a more down to earth version ...

My Dad once told me that when he was in the British Army in the mid-forties, everyone called each other, “Shag” but nobody knew why.

I am posting this thread for the humanitarian crisis that has been unfolding in Gaza due to Israel’s indiscriminate bombing/killing spree...

Huntingdon: Angry pedestrian guilty of killing cyclist - BBC News (video)
A pedestrian has been found guilty of killing a 77-year-ol...

President Joe Biden said the country was marking “a tragic milestone” and each death was “an irreplaceable loss”.
It’s the highest offic...

Excerpt from California View
Most Los Angeles residents recommend against wearing red in and around the city and its suburbs. The colour...

Can be a city, state, province, country, continent etc. I’ll start.

It’s that time of year again, when evenings get shorter and reality TV kicks into gear. A fresh batch of celebrities will be headed to th...

I am a 56-year-old woman and I am not on speaking terms with my 55-year-old next-door female neighbor, and for good reason that I will no...
Hottest Threads Over 3 Years Old! 

Has anyone played this online game, Wordle?
(Wordle - A daily word game)

Continuing the discussion from https://forum.over50schat.com/t/chit-chat-thread-part-1/11476/12628.
Previous discussions:

Hi Dorothy it was nice and sunny here today. I was up seeing Jean today in hospital, they put a trachiotimy spelling in today to get her ...

Thought I would start this “goodnight” thread as I sometimes feel rude in just logging off when there are other lovely people still aroun...

Post any word that contains the letters “er” (in the same order please) anywhere in the word.

We made a bad mistake there Pug, sure enough we should have stuck with our punts and punted our way out of trouble, now we’re slowly drif...

Continuing the discussion from Ridiculous Made Up Names..A-Z (Part 3) (Part 1) - #11137 by paula.
Previous discussions:
Ridiculous Mad...

We have a lot of music threads - which is awesome - but this thread is a little different, what is your top tune for today?
You can only...

Currently, I’m listening to UB40

A fresh start for limericks.
Lines 1. 2. And 5. Seven to ten syllables with the same verbal rhythm.
Lines 3. And 4. Five to seven sylla...


This is always a popular little subject and a thread which can be picked up and put down as the mood takes us.
Today - hopefully a barbe...

Words that end in a vowel - A to Z
I’ll start off with A for
and the next person goes with
B (ending in a vowel)
and so on…

Post a word that ends with Y, starting with A and continuing through the alphabet to W, then start again.

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